Hello everyone!
I hope your new year is off to a good start! Because of you, we have helped 3 more families at Mott Children’s Hospital since January 5th! Thank you all!

February 14th is Valentine’s Day, and I’m asking you to share the love and please donate to The Larry Prout Jr (The Bear) Courage Fund so we can continue to give aid to Mott Children’s Hospital patients who are currently receiving care for life threatening, chronic, complex health issues. Donations can be mailed (1936 Triangle Lake Road, Howell, Mich 48843) or made through our website. Thank you!

This is a picture of Grace. Grace’s family gave us permission to share their thank you written to all of you! It’s because of all of you that we were able to help Grace! You can follow Baby Grace’s journey through her Facebook page: “Grace Elizabeth Heart Warrior Foundation.”
“Our family would like to share our gratitude, thankfulness, love, and support for Larry "BEAR" Prout Jr and the Larry Prout Jr Courage fund for their generous grant towards Grace Elizabeth. We were nominated by Gracies' Aunt: Alyssa Hoffman and friend Jenny Wallace Barnhart . We received a formal grant letter in the mail at the end of last week that we were accepted for the grant.
Thank you so much Larry Bear! If any of you have some free time and genuine interest, we certainly encourage everyone to check out Larry's story and courage fund at: https://larryproutcouragefund.org”
#heartwarrior #HLHS #hlhswarrior #hlhsawareness#chd #graciegang #graceelizabethheartwarriorfoundation#graciegang #graceelizabeth#halfthehearttwicethefight#halfahearttwicethefight#graciesworld #larryprout #larryproutjr #larryproutjrcouragefund#LarryBear #hearteyes #chdwarrior
Any amount of money donated is appreciated!
Sharing my post is appreciated!
I am thankful and love all of you!