Our son, Larry-Bear is a palliative care patient who has multiple, life-threatening, complex diagnosis of which there are no cures. There are only surgeries, treatments, meds, therapies and a variety of health care to improve and sustain his quality of life. He has spent hundreds of nights in the hospital.

It is financially draining on families when they have a loved one with rare diseases, no matter how good your insurance is. For years, we barely had a few dollars to put gas in the car and get Larry to Mott Hospital for surgeries, gram-negative rods, sepsis, pneumonia, MRSA, frequent blood infections, pain control, you name it. We lived paycheck to paycheck, and I would often over-write a check at our local grocery store so that I could have $20 to put in the gas tank, because my husband's paycheck was a few days away. We had 5 older children at home and only my husband's teacher salary to support us as I was the primary caregiver for Larry. I couldn't work. There was no way. One of his surgeons told us once that Larry was the most complex patient he ever treated.

There are many, many children like Larry at Mott Hospital with continuous life-threatening health issues. We continue to experience what these families go through. I see families in the cafeteria. I know that it can cost $20 for mom and dad to get dinner together there. Just one meal! Transportation, meals, hotels, emergency financial needs are frequently unaffordable for most of us when you have a loved one of any age in the hospital or who is frequently going to the hospital clinics for never ending health care.
In honor of our Bear, we created this non-profit to help families at Mott. To put money in their pocket to help ease some of that financial strain.
Please join us at Larry's THIRD ANNUAL RUN WITH THE BEAR! June 28, in Pinckney. Last year we raised approximately $65,000 for Mott families. 100% of the proceeds go into the pockets of our University of Michigan Mott Children's Hospital families.

We are a unique non-profit in that the money we raise go to families in need. And we humbly ask for your help.
We are asking for participants, donors and sponsors.
Larry would love to see you there!
Please join us and help Larry help these families.
The link is below - - -
Thank you and please share with your family and friends!